How to Become a Human Calculator? - Introduction

3 min read · Aug 12, 2024

How to Become a Human Calculator? - Introduction

Hey there!

Welcome to the introduction to my mental math series! 😄

The goal is simple: if you read these 14 chapters, you'll know how to become a human calculator.

Sidenote: Reading alone won't make you good at mental math. For that, you'll need looots of practice (I of course recommend Mental Math Pro).

Whether you're a student, a professional, or just curious about sharpening your mind, this series is for you.

So grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's dive into the wonderful world of mental mathematics!

What is Mental Math?

Mental math is the art of solving math problems in your head without reaching for a calculator or pen and paper.

We'll answer this question in more detail in the next chapter, but for now just think of it as shortcuts to get a math answer quickly.

A bit like that scene at the start of the movie "21". Except, mental math isn't just for math geniuses! It's a skill that anyone can learn with the right techniques and a lot of practice

Why is Mental Math Important?

Other than impressing your friends, there are many benefits to learning mental math. Such as:

  • Boosts Your Brain Power: Think of it as a workout for your brain. It helps improve your memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
  • Super Practical: Whether you're shopping for groceries, calculating discounts, or just figuring out your daily schedule, mental math makes life a lot easier.
  • Boosts Your Confidence: As you get better at mental math, your confidence will grow (we have a nice quote from the founder of Google on our homepage).

The 4 Different Mental Calculation Techniques

Let's take a sneak peek at the techniques we'll explore in this series:

  1. Traditional Mental Math: This is all about using shortcuts to basic math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in your head. Also, these are the 14 strategies we teach.
  2. Vedic Math: Based on ancient Indian teachings, Vedic Math uses simple rules to make calculations fast and easy. We'll dedicate a section to it later in the series.
  3. Abacus Math: Every week, this method goes viral on social media. The abacus is a great tool for visualizing numbers. We'll learn how people use it mentally for quick calculations.
  4. The Trachtenberg Method: This offers clever strategies for doing arithmetic in your head. It's a bit more advanced than traditional mental math.

The Main Tricks/ Themes

No matter which technique you're using, they all share a few common tricks:

  • Breaking Numbers Down: Simplify complex calculations by breaking numbers into smaller parts. For example, adding 48 and 27 becomes easier when you think of it as (40 + 20) + (8 + 7).
  • Estimation and Rounding: Sometimes, getting an approximate answer quickly is all you need. Rounding numbers can help you calculate faster and still be (reasonably) accurate.
  • Spotting Patterns: Math is full of patterns, and recognizing them can make your calculations much easier. This is why I'm always beating the "practice practice practice!" drum.
  • Memorizing Key Numbers: Having a few important numbers memorized (ehem… multiplication tables!!) will greatly speed up your calculations.


As you can see, mental math is more than just a cool party trick - and I hope you're sold on its importance.

But there's more to it! Which is why in the next chapter, we'll dive deeper into the question "what is mental math?"

So, see you then! 🚀

About the author

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Richard Reis

Founder of Mental Math Pro! Also currently doing a fun little "25 AI Startups in 50 Weeks" challenge.

Want to become a human calculator? We will help you!

We designed Mental Math Pro to help you learn mental math with 14 easy, interactive lessons.

* The first 3 lessons are free.