About this site

Hi there! My name is Richard.

A little background. I spent four years growing my previous startup, Most Recommended Books, into the top book recommendation site.

We achieved that goal in July '23 with 750,000+ monthly visitors.

So I started looking for my next challenge...

In February '24, I finally found it! Build 25 AI Startups in 50 weeks.

So why Mental Math Pro? I built it a year ago because I love mental math (and did not like the existing tools).

Initially, it was unrelated to the AI challenge...

But in May, it started receiving 50 visitors a day (!!)

So I decided to spend 1-2 months taking everything I've learned from the AI challenge so far, and improve Mental Math Pro.

I hope you like the changes 🙂

P.S.: You can follow the AI challenge on X and Medium.

Nice comments about the challenge ❤️

These keep me going, thank you!!

“You are insane. The world needs more people like you. lol”

Jerry Walton
Jerry Walton

“So cool!”

Samuel Naesen
Samuel Naesen

“Cool idea. I'm following. Good luck!”

James Hicks
James Hicks

“This was really inspiring.”

Mylie Mudaliyar
Mylie Mudaliyar

“Ambitious plan, Richard! 🚀 Building 25 AI startups in a year is no small feat.”

Yasec Kowalski
Yasec Kowalski

“What a challenge - looking forward to your updates.”

Sascha Janzen
Sascha Janzen

“This is inspiring Richard! Keep it up!”

Zhong Hong
Zhong Hong

“Wow.. That's wonderful Richard.”

Debashis Sikdar
Debashis Sikdar

“Ambitious challenge!”
